GPers – Perspective on Freedom of Speech

Perspectives of Freedom of Speech,

My view on freedom of speech is that everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, and they are allowed to have a voice – even though it may not be agreed with. However, for this to work, people also have to accept that your opinion may be different. Even though it could be 5 people versus 500, the majority still needs to respect that not all people see eye to eye. There have been many situations where I strongly disagree with another opinion, but I understand that my opinion is right to me, and not to them. It is unfair for me to judge them based on that. Quite often, people go one step further and think their opinion is ‘better’ or the ‘correct’ one. It concerns me because this often is the cause of many conflicts around the world. Disagreements are human, they are natural. But the respect needs to be there to avoid conflict.

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