18/08/20 Piano Update

My last update was close to a year ago, and I have since been continuing to practise the piano on a weekly basis. Last time, I said that I was tackling the piece called “Hungarian Dance”, however, I have since changed projects and delved into pieces that I found was more interesting and fun to play. Luckily, I have a piano at home, so I was able to continue playing the piano throughout the quarantine period as well as during the summer holidays that were spent here in Singapore.

Here are some of the pieces I have been working on, most are not perfect but have improved quite a bit from before the summer (I was unable to link the whole video due to the file size being too big, but I have attached the audio to the full videos) :


Nocturne Op.9 No.2



Over the Rainbow, arranged by Dave Stapleton



Fantasie Impromptu (1st movement)



Fantasie Impromptu (2nd movement)



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