CAS In Grade 12

Although this year’s CAS has become significantly smaller than last year for me, purely due to the COVID restrictions as well as the heavy workload that has arrived, I can see myself exercising CAS in ways that are smaller but are still pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

I still have a period until October to pass on the Service leadership role to the Grade 11’s, and it sadly comes with a sense of finality. Since being in this service for 4 years, I have become quite fond of the people I surround myself with and be able to feel myself making a difference, which is something that is surprisingly difficult to feel accomplished in doing. I will continue to enjoy the moments I have left and am excited to see where this service will go after my time.

An image from the first session of the 2020-2021 academic year!

In terms of activity in CAS, this year, I will be continuing body pump, however, from home. Although the school sessions had introduced me to it, I have since purchased my own membership and have a set of weights that I use on a weekly basis. Because of COVID-19, I will also be unable to make it to the usual Thursday session I had attended before, as the priority of that session is for the teachers and had limited numbers.

In terms of creativity, I actually do many things at home and at school that expand my creative knowledge every day. Because of Boomerang Bags, I was able to learn how to sew and have since started to make my own masks and pass them along to my friends and family. I also continue to paint and sculpt and explore different art forms through my IBDP Visual Arts course. I also am continuing, as part of my CAS, to do my weekly piano lessons, where I can feel myself improving each time.

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