What strengths have you discovered through CAS?

I think throughout my CAS experience, I have been able to learn how much I can balance on my plate at one time, and learn how I can thrive in a much healthier mental state. Last year, there was one season where I had an activity every day, and I could feel how much of a toll it was taking on me, mentally. While the experience was rewarding, I was able to try a bunch of new things as well as meet new people, it was also some of the least ‘fun’ I have had throughout the IB.

Knowing myself, I know that if I am trying new things and doing it all at once, I struggle to be able to balance everything to the same degree of enthusiasm. Now in Grade 12, where I have cut down on the number of activities I partake in, I find myself being much happier despite the heavy workload.

I would say that I have discovered my strength in being able to give my 100% energy into something new, without overloading too many other activities on top. IB is notorious for being quite a difficult curriculum and can often take a toll on a person’s mental health, but I feel like a healthy balance of CAS and Academics is something quite beneficial to an IB student.

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