The End of my UWC Service Journey

Since my entry into UWCSEA East in 2013, I have been introduced to the importance of service-learning. Although I was struggling to find the right service for me in middle school, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have taken part in the Boomerang Bags service for 4 years.

My journey began in grade 9, which was the first year of the service running, therefore, there was a lot of uncertainty and figuring out how to work together as a team. Since then, we have acquired our own Boomerang Bags room, have established leadership and have started to be able to quickly teach the transferable skill of sewing in less than 2 weeks to other students. In terms of success, I understand that change takes time, however, have had the opportunity to witness the Boomerang Bags being used in the boarding house for some good use.

For me, not only have I been able to learn the skill of sewing, but I have been able to try and do my part to make a difference. It was bittersweet to know that the service that sparked my passion to advocate for the environment is coming to an end, but I know that this is only the beginning of my environmental journey, and hope to pursue such a path in the future.

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