Knit-A-Thon 2019

Currently, at Knit-A-Square, we are planning for our annual Knit-A-Thon, which is an awareness event we host. We will be putting up films about HIV/AIDS and encouraging people to join

IFP Cambodia

I am participating in IFP Cambodia, which is a student-led conference that is unrelated to school and will be taking place during the Chinese New Year break this year. Its

IFP Session 17-11-19

Today, our trainer introduced to us the application of future IFP Conferences. This year, unlike in past years, the form of the application is going to be completely free so

Service Reflection #1

LO5 “Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively.”   Who did I collaborate with?  I collaborates with my teammates in the service group and Sundac staffs.  

Badminton Reflection #1

LO2 “Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.”   What was it about this activity that I found challenging/difficult?  I find the stamina training the

How might collaboration have been important to success this term?

In badminton, I learnt that collaboration is very important to play doubles. My partner and I have to make agreements in order to work better, for example, talking about who

Personality Test

My personality is ESFP, which is the ‘Entertainer’ according to the 16 Personality Test. I think in some way, the personality is accurate of my personality because I like making

IFP Reflection #3

LO5 “Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively.”   Who did I collaborate with?  I collaborated with my peers at. IFP.   What made it easy or

Political Cartoon by Liza Donnelly

My chosen political cartoon presents to the audience the issue with the gender wage gap. It offers multiple perspectives, from both men and women, regarding their wages. From the cartoon,