Service Reflection #3

LO7 “Recognise and consider the ethics implications of choices and actions.”   At what times did I face ethical decisions when participating in this activity?  As a team, we had

Home Fitness Reflection #3

LO4 How did I show perseverance/resilience/commitment in this activity?  I regular set and adjusted short-term goals to myself. How did I maintain my motivation for this activity?  I completed this

Home Fitness Reflection #2

LO2 “Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.”   What was it about this activity that I found challenging/difficult?  I had not exercised for months

Badminton Reflection #3

LO4 “Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences.”   How did I show perseverance/resilience/commitment in this activity?  I dedicated 3 hours per week for this activity for a season and

Home Fitness Reflection #1

LO1 “Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth.”   What previous experience have I had with an activity like this?  I have never tried to workout at home.

How does CAS impact and/or enhance your wellness?

Personally, the activities I do for CAS are my passions and hobbies. By doing hobbies for CAS, we allow ourselves to have at least an hour per week to work

Does CAS actually have the capacity to change who you are?

Yes, I think that CAS actually have the capacity to change who we are. Although CAS is compulsory, it gave us all an opportunity to try new things, discover new