Pottery Tuesday (3-4:30)

Pottery is something that I always wanted to do when I was in my old school. I am very glad that I am now part of the pottery community right now. I honestly enjoy it and find it very interesting. This is the first session that we have done so far. What we have done…

Badminton ss2

Badminton season 2 was the most amazing season! I have improved my badminton skills. I realized that I want to do badminton again because I found it really useful because at least I get to exercise every week. Badminton has changed my personality and it made me feel really good after doing badminton. In season…

#6 100 words for 100 days of being an IB student

IB had been quite tough for me and most of us I guess. Me as an IB student I think this is a very good experience so far. From what I had expected from IB and what I have got is pretty different. IB is much more than an academic program but it dies have…

Badminton (season 2)

Badminton is what I always play during my free time. I always think that I am already good at it but joining the badminton session has proved me wrong that I am not the best and everyone is really good. I found badminton really useful for me because not only did I improve my skill…

Theatre and Dance (Season 1)

Theatre and dance is the service with children where we perform some exiting and useful activities with them every Monday. Since I have been part of the service I feel that I have changed a lot in many ways. I learn to live with children and make them happy. I love working with children and…