#6 100 words for 100 days of being an IB student

IB had been quite tough for me and most of us I guess. Me as an IB student I think this is a very good experience so far. From what I had expected from IB and what I have got is pretty different. IB is much more than an academic program but it dies have a lot of activities for students to get involved and be part of this wonderful community. I have learned so many things throughout 1 year of IB. I think that one of the skills that I have improved a lot is my English. Before I came here, my English was not as good as now because I did not have that much opportunity to speak English but here I got more chances to speak. Moreover, I learned to help others than only think about myself. IB subjects are not very easy to get through but it is not too hard for me and everyone either. I would say that IB has changed me into a different person in many better ways. I have been part of may activities and. services that have developed my thinkings and working corporation. I am still looking forward to more exciting things and events that are coming!

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