Moral decision

People usually have different ideas about moral decision making because it is quite a sensitive topic to talk about. In the last class, we discussed the solutions to kill one person or five people. Many people argue about killing only one person is much better than killing five people. I think people’s thoughts are usually…

The role of reason and emotion in decision making…

1. The distinction is between logical fallacies and cognitive bias The cognitive bias is the error that you make about thinking. It is also when you believe in something more than the other for ex, when you are sure about what you think rather than to believe in others. That’s a cognitive bias. While Logical…

Conceptual understandings

“Arts involve facts and reasons to be the perfect piece of art”. Arts is the representative of all things that show the nature of life and humans understand life through arts. It is difficult to say that arts shape our way of thinking but it actually is true at some points. I feel that a…

Maths and the world- Mathematical discussions

In the lesson, we have done with the axioms then we have used the deductive reasoning which eventually led us to derive the new theorem. I found this part a little bit tricky since there was a lot os the proof that we needed to do. Here are some of the questions and answers that…

Mathematical method.

Mathematical method. 1.Of the method trying to prove the conjecture “the internal angles of the triangle sum to 180” explain why only one provides the rigorous proof? So basically it really depends on the process of how you try to prove to that the internal angles of the triangle sum to 180. For me, I…


ALIS Test After taking the ALIS test, I felt like the English part is a bit tricky for me because there were a lot of vocabularies that i did not know the meanings. So sometimes i find it tough to choose the answers. I felt like this test has guided me a lot on how…

Choose 2 natural sciences.

How does it demonstrates replication and the other falsification in the production of scientific knowledge? 1.Evolution =There were a lot of evidences that were proved that evolution is believable. This tells us how living organisms have change and develop over time. Also the example of the Peppered moth that changes the colour because of the…

Rank the 6 subjects quality of knowledge

1.English : I feel more comfortable in this class and i feel that i have a lot of things to learn in order to succeed in IB. This is also one of my favourite class.  I gain a lot of knowledge from the class and the teacher is so nice. 2.Biology : This is also…

3 conceptual understandings

3 conceptual understandings from today’s class (22nd Aug, 2019) Being considered as smarts is not always based on your knowledge but how much experience you have Science is not always accurate because as we have seen a lot that everything can always be changed when time passed and when technologies have been developed. Knowledge never…