Judy's Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here…

Month: February 2018

POTTERY-Season 2

During this season in pottery, I made several pots despite some difficulties along the way.

At the start, I find it difficult to make a perfect shape for my pot. I tried several times and I tried to be as gentle as possible while creating the shape. After a while, I was used to the pace. I enjoyed pinching the clay.

After firing, I painted my pot with different size of brushes carefully and fired it again. Painting my pots were also quite challenging because it requires patience.

To sum up my pottery experience, I was fascinated by creating something with my own hands, something I had not done much of when I was young. By looking at my “artwork”, I feel a sense of pride and fulfuillment.

LO 2 NEW SKILLS (Developing new skills)




RDA-First Riding Session 2018

This friday, I went to RDA centre and started my first riding session with Jahanna. We led the warm-up according to his ability levels. We asked Johanna to extend his arms, stretch his legs by having him try to bend over and touch his toe. Since it was very to get him understand our instruction, we did the warm-up first and let him mimick us. He did quite well, we praised him by giving him the thumb-up.

I could feel that he was very excited to ride a horse. He waited for 3 weeks… I held his ankles at the start but he seemed quite confident. It was out of my expectation. I was very happy to see him sat straightly at the centre of the saddle. We walked for 3 rounds and the instructor started asking all the riders to leave their hands up in the air. She also asked them to do airplane pose and some harder ones. Johanna could barely do the airplane pose as it was very difficult for him to straighten his arms. He was also unwilling to try it.

Overall, today’s riding session went quite well and I could feel Johanna’s sense of happiness. I will continue to work with him patiently for the rest of the year and I hope he would get better and better each time.

LO 5 COLLABORATION (Working together to achieve an outcome)

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