Orchestra reflection Self reflection

Sep-Nov 2019


Identify my own strengths and develop areas for growth


  • Strengths: Played for 10 years in total and 6 years in Orchestra
  • Areas should be improved: keep my bowing constant so other cellist can follow along

14th: I joined the Orchestra halfway as I realise String ensemble isn’t really enough for maintaining my cello skills, and I also might not have the time in grade 12 or university to join so many activities. I’ve participated in the orchestra for almost 6 years (in my previous school and UWC) and I know clearly how much it improves my sight reading ability, my bowing, and the my rhythm. As I no longer take individual cello lessons, I hope I can still have those skills that I once have.


  • Strengths: I can learn the music faster than others
  • Areas should be improved: Louder dynamics

5th and 12th: We got a new piece called ‘glow’, which is in D♭ major (5 flats). It has been a long time since I played a piece with 5 flats. Although as usual, cello part has long notes and simple melody line, but I’m still unfamiliar with what should be flat and what should be natural. I’m feeling good as I know what I need to work on now. I’m working toward my aim by improving my cello skills and know what I’m bad at.

18th: Playing piece with too many flats or sharps has been one of my biggest challenge, it takes me quite a few rehearsals to actually familiarise the piece. Besides this, ‘Glow’ is a piece that has its dynamics mainly around mezzo-piano and pianississimo, which is really soft and quite. However, trying to play soft notes sometimes make my bow float on the strings, so the friction is small; this makes my bowing speed random. I think I should ask my friends to see how they deal with this.

26th: Today is the first time we finally work with voices and other instruments. For the piece ‘Kashmir’, we now have a drummer who can really drive the speed faster and steadier so people won’t be wobbling with the ryhthm and the pace. For the piece ‘Glow’, choirs are now joining us and it sounds fabulous. Since the show is in December, I really want to play well so I can potentially encourage them to also play with energy(one of them are playing it without feelings). When I’m playing solo, I don’t really need such a huge volume of sound, and that’s why I got a few blisters on my thumb and forefinger. However, I’m glad I walked out of the comfort zone.

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