LAYER THREE: Views on Trump’s Fear of a Language and the its Identity

Post based on this article:

First off, Donald Trump’s views on others unlike him in physicality, as well as mentality, and his “excuses” regarding the matter, are completely aND UTTERLY DESPICABLE. His intolerance towards humans, who are indifferent to him, have no place in the 21st century or otherwise.

Now, regarding the article, the journalist feels that forced assimilation is oppressive, and therefore unjust. Even though it is not a crime, yet, official oppression might as well be. Indirectly, it is nonphysical abuse. Forced assimilation makes people erase their background just to fit in, making them a dying plant when their roots were just fine. She believes in the power of a language, an accent, a country. If one could fear a culture so bad, then therefore they have much power over the fearful.

Personally, I agree with most of her view points, including the unforeseen fear in which people of a place different that “common” emitted. Surely enough, it’s not globally seen as a fear. However, by the definitions “to have a reverential awe of” and “to expect with alarm” from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term “fear” only seems fitting. The sooner the general public understand and accept this, I figure that they’d realize how imbecilic the concept is. Sure! power is an impossible thing to give back. It really is motive to rise, and many a times have past leaders used this fear of to corruption.

In this situation, per contra, they fear a whole other culture because they don’t understand, nay refuse to. Many think that the English language is the master key, yet a mere 12.5(ish)% of the entire world speak it. Even this mentality ripples waves into all those who don’t. I, for example, know some people who mock others for not speaking English “correctly”. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? If these situations were reversed into knowing an amount of languages and dialects, those who think they hold power would, essentially, fall apart. I pray you see the irony in such case.

How might you inflict a sense of unintentional intolerance upon others? And how could you be more aware of yourself?

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