What if AI made actors immortal?

I use this resource as my main topic, and I did create a picture for it. According to the article, the author gives out a question- ”What if AI made actors immortal?” Below that has author’s opinion, and firstly the author writes about the history that how was people’s thought and experience. Therefore, the author starting to get involved deeper with the topic- fake news, actors and technique. Digital right and wrong is one of the topic exist in this news, and it stands on the falling action if we put it in to the Dramatic structure theory. In this paragraph, it is about the worried of about digital actors, ability create and use, and the author even throw out the example of  a computer-generated version of Bruce Lee during 2013. To look forward, I will support there are many possible reasons and changes for how AI influence and engaged in our life. Therefore, should we support this? It is a fabulous question that we need to think about it carefully. There are groups exist to support and to against AI, and even it had influence or life style. For instance, while you are sleeping during 8:00AM, there is a group shouting that against or support the idea of AI. So and so, everyone should group work and to figure it how how can we peacefully resolve this issue. All in all, it is a great website to let is think about the issue and we should figure out the IT issue.

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