Winnie Wu- listen to episode

The quote that I found interesting while I am listening to the episode are the following-

”…technology sword of get our head of ability to digest it figure out how to manage it.”

”What is the deciding factor? What pushes us towards friendly universe from solid cyclone?”

”That find a part of human bonding beyond just chat on the screen….”

It is vary relevant since is close to our daily life and basis conversations. That is how it used on of one of the conventions, and it being more relation with audience. Moreover, the audience may put time and take it as an interest. People would like to spend on what they understand for during their free time.(I think episode could be a great stuff to spend their free time on)

The virtual connections have gone thought few following which take me to make the decision of the challenge that going to try out with my partner: relevant conversation that caught audience’s attention(A women whom try out something, miracle happens, etc.). Our final decision is communicate with only emoji.


How to let the audience get into the conversation?



1 Thought.

  1. I think the most important quote you highlighted was the third one, I say this because it shows us the relationship between human although it is connected by Internet and screen chat.
    The question that most interests me is “People would like to spend on what they understand for during their free time.” I say this because people do like to spend time on what they understand and what they want to do.

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