CAS reflection – Lighthouse motor skill development

During lighthouse last term, we not only visited the lighthouse campus, but also conducted activities with the disabled kids and learned some sign language lessons.

This is the first session we planned with the lighthouse kids. They came to our school and we conducted the activities in the conference room. We divided into several stations that hold different activities, so the students can have a wide range of choices and some rotations. Me and my group did drawing activities with the kids. Some of the deaf kids are really creative, I remember one girl wrote a note to her teacher and it was really sweet. There are other stations such as playing musical instruments and playing with balls, they all enjoyed it very much. We ended the session with an upgraded duck duck goose game, which the “goose” is a gentle touch on the shoulder.

We planned our own activities, and each group would have to plan a session.

This is our planning for the session. During the planning process, we would have to consider the disabilities of the children in order to give them the best experience, we also need to consider the safety issues so that they do not get injured during the activities. This reflect on learning outcome 3. The reflections we got from the kids are that they like playing duck duck goose, so we thought that it will be nice if we can have more physical activities. There will be art and craft as well, since some of the deaf kids are really talented in drawing. Planning and conducting activities really requires teamwork, all of us learnt that working collaboratively is important. Although one group is planning for one session, other people still need to be assigned a role. This could refer to learning outcome 5.

During this activity, we also  developed skills like learning sign language. It was hard for us at first since communication with the kids are a big problem, but we are slowly learning sign language so that we could communicate with them in simple phrases such as “thank you” “hello” and “good morning” etc. This reflect on learning outcome 1 as we all experienced some growth by interacting with the disabled kids.




汪曾祺对于大淖这个地方的人文环境的描写可谓淋漓尽致,他将这个地方的质朴和透彻完完全全的展示给读者,给读者展现出来了一个似桃花源一般的地方。尤其是对于这里的人们的描写, 更加烘托了简单纯粹的人文环境,衬托出巧云和十一子的爱情的纯粹。“老锡匠人很耿直,对其余的锡匠(不是他的晚辈就是他的徒弟)管教得很紧。他不许他们赌钱喝酒;嘱咐他们出外做活,要童叟无欺,手脚要干净;不许和妇道嬉皮笑脸。他教他们不要怕事,也绝不要惹事。除了上市应活,平常不让到处闲游乱窜。” 这一段写出了老锡匠的善良和正直,侧面突出十一子也是一个相同的人。正是因为十一子是一个正直且善良的人,才让他和巧云的感情显得无比纯洁脱俗。对于巧云的描写亦是如此。“ 巧云就和邻居的姑娘媳妇在一起,挑着紫红的荸荠、碧绿的菱角、雪白的连枝藕,风摆柳似地穿街过市,发髻的一侧插着大红花。她的眼睛还是那么亮,长睫毛忽扇忽扇的。但是眼神显得更深沉,更坚定了。她从一个姑娘变成了一个很能干的小媳妇。“文章最后对于巧云的描写突出了她的乐观,能干,和坚强。作为家里唯一的女人且唯一可以养家糊口的人,巧云一直积极向上的面对生活,并且坚信自己可以养得起父亲和十一子。这样纯粹的人似乎就应该配上一份简单纯真的感情,所以即使两个人的感情经历跌宕起伏又很俗套,但是依然可以给读者新鲜清新的感觉。


Political Cartoon Commentary

This cartoon is by Liza Donnelly, it portrays a scene where a group of male is having a meeting and talks about “feminist opinion”. A man, who is called Harold is standing in front with feminine clothing and being asked to give feminist opinions. This cartoon uses irony to compare between male and female power, thus raising awareness on feminism. techniques such as text in the cartoon and minimalism can be used to convey messages.  Since the cartoon did not put lots of effort on drawing the characters, the only character with detailed outfit stands out — Harold. All the other people are looking at him, which also gathers the audiences’ attention onto him. In my opinion, the artist used irony to satirise how the males are trying to get the feminist point of view from only a man who is dressing up like a women. The dress, heels and earring Harold is wearing shows feminine. Donnelly used this irony to hint that the “feminist opinion” were not even given by females. In this cartoon, males are pretending and speculating how women are like without asking women’s opinions, suggesting that the society is still male dominated and lacking of women rights.

CAS initial – High School Equality Focus Group

I decided to join high school Equality because I am interested in this global issue, and I believe that we could do something to improve the situation. The LGBT community is getting bigger now and I am happy that people are raising awareness about this community. I believe that from participating in this activity with other people that are also carrying the same aim as me, we could make more people understand about this situation better. The outcome that I am hoping to get after four seasons of this focus group is to learn more about the up to date news of this community and try to help students in this school that is a part of this community as much as possible. We hope that from coming together as a focus group, we can create and better environment for the LGBT members, and at least make them know that there is a safe zone that they can always come to. We want them to feel supported and safe. We also aim to spread the positives of this community and let more people know that this community is not abnormal, stereotypes and misunderstandings can be eliminated.