Final IO Reflection 3

With lot of practises and preparation with my classmates, I felt confident about doing my IO. However, since I came back home and could not go back to Singapore, I decided to do my IO remotely. Thinking about doing IO online was one of the biggest challenges I faced during the online learning period. Firstly, I was worried since it was my first time and secondly, I worried about technical difficulties which could occur anytime during the timed session. Nevertheless, everything was well organised from the school side and I made sure to keep myself connected to stronger internet connection without any distractions. This made my 15 minutes of IO very smooth without any problems.

Completing my IO was one of the biggest achievements during the stressful remote learning and at the same time, I have learnt a lot during two months of preparation put into my work. I have learnt not only how to compare different types of texts but also how to deeply unpack and analyse the text while also making intertextuality of the contexts. This has helped me to get ideas for my HL essay and in real life applications.

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