2017 November





What was something you enjoyed?

  • Very new and hands-on experience
  • Felt good to actually help and make contributions
    • Sourcing and processing products can make a big difference
  •  New activity introduced: going to people’s apartments to pick up their items


What did you learn from this experience?

  • Meat takes up a lot of water (learnt from presentation)
  • Global warming, relevant to current affairs about climate change – frequency of natural disasters
  • New perspective: learnt about the benefits of plant-based diet, looking at the food chain
    • Meat production and industry is massively contributing to greenhouse gases
    • Deforestation for grazing land – imbalanced oxygen and carbon dioxide ratio
    • 70% of crops end up being fed to animals that we eat, these crops would have helped people in poverty
    • Directly eating crops e.g. fruits, vegetables, beans allows more energy to be transferred to us
    • Soil degradation – poorer soil fertility
    • Fertilisers used in crops can lead to eutrophication






What would you do differently next time?

  • Interacting with the local community more
    • Getting to know them will help strengthen the bond we have – our goal
  •  Let them know why we are doing this, about us as a local service
  • More structure – get into groups and rotate stations so we have experience with all the materials or specialisation in one material
  • Knowing the venue better before starting so we know what goes where




What could have been improved

  • At least one Buddha Tzu Chi member at every station to help guide us
  • Improve communication on both parts
  • Better knowledge of what goes where e.g. different types of plastic

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