Project Week Reflection 3 – Action – LO5

A Letter to The Principle – Ms. Lingham

The week in the JCSRS was the most awarding volunteering experience I have had.

Working with the class, I knew how unique every student with special need are, which one could never feel without actually working with them. I also gained knowledge of how to communicate with them, especially with non-verbal students – the technique of using simplistic and repetitive language, with supportive hand gestures.


During the trip, I developed the learning outcome 5, demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively. I worked with the class teachers in the week, and they have taught me the ways of communicating with the students, as well as many more things. By working collaboratively, I could help them to finish simple tasks so that they can focus on the more complicated and important matters. I also gained knowledge by working collaboratively, as the seemed simple tasks for the teachers could become challenging for me. For example, at the first 2 days I found it difficult to communicate with my student, especially when instructing them to complete their activities. By overcoming those challenges, my communication skills, as well as many other skills, was developed.

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