What do you find most striking about the ways in which two or more of the short stories connect?

To compensate for the shortage of time and therefore lack of plot, the author’s of girl and stick slowly reveal more and more intriguing details about the character to keep the reader hooked. In order to do this, the introductions to both the stories revolving around a specific person, start by introducing the character in a very vague manner.

In both the stories girl and stick, the author’s jump right into the story without giving any context. Instead, they hook the reader in by giving, half a picture which builds anticipation.  In the story girl, the author hooks the reader in by writing in the second person. Because the tone of the introduction is harsh and demanding, the reader may feel like they are part of the story and getting yelled at. But because no context is given, an urge for the reader to find out why they are getting yelled at is established. In the story sticks, The author doesn’t take the direct, logical approach by beginning with context establishing that the author’s father had a weird obsession with this metal pole, and then going into detail about the different holidays. Instead, he immediately starts by talking about the different holidays. The scope of his craziness isn’t established, so the reader wants to find out exactly how obsessed the father is with this metal pole.

By pairing an interesting detail about the character with a bit of mystery, the author hooks the reader in by creating anticipation.

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