The Troll Witch Analysis

  1. One moment that you think is a particularly powerful example of words and images working together to tell the story.
  • The text boxes are really small compared to the rest of the page which makes it seem like they are talking softly.
  • Many small text boxes, a connector between textboxes, looks clustered at the top. Shows that they are talking fast and cutting each other off. Speeds up the pace.
  1. One moment that you think is a particularly powerful example of comic language being used to create character/relationship
  • The bright yellow contrasts against the dark green, grey colors. This makes the baby stand out and kind off glorifies it.
  • The pretty flower is so much bigger than the ugly one making it look much more attractive
  • The beautiful baby is sitting up while the ugly bay is lying down with its hands up as if it is in pain. The beautiful baby clearly has it better than the ugly baby.
  • However, the beautiful baby isn’t smiling and looks quite upset. This shows that the beautiful baby has it’s own problems and diminishes any hierarchy between the two that there was before. This makes sense because despite not being equal, they loved each other.

Basically, it is clear from the bright colors used to draw the beautiful baby, the size of the flower, and the positioning of the babies that the beautiful baby is much better than the ugly one. However, the beautiful baby has a very sad expression on her face which suggests that the beautiful baby isn’t perfect. So a hierarchy between the 2 babies isn’ established yet since there clearly is more to the story. Sure enough, if you keep reading, though the beautiful baby is much more attractive, they love each other and seem to treat each other like equals.

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