Final Reflection

How my project was successful/not successful -e.g. What went well and what didn’t? I put a lot of effort into my project and I am quite proud of the end result. I think it effectively draws attention to the issue and is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn about it. However, had I planned out my product better, I would’ve saved time designing my product. While my research if sufficient enough for my product, I wish I had time to learn more about different techniques to get rid of waste and perhaps interviewed some people.

What have I learned through this whole process? – science and personal skills

The biggest thing I can take away from this project is definitely my knowledge of circular economies and chemical recycling. I feel that I now have an in-depth understanding of how the two solutions work and their pros and cons.  Another important thing I have learned is the importance and urgency of minimizing the plastic we use. After this project, I have made several lifestyle changes and have urged my family members to do the same.  Lastly, I learned the really important skill of using illustrator. Now whenever I have a presentation, instead of looking for clip art I can just quickly draw it myself.

What impact might the results of my project have on other people/the wider world?

Hopefully, it will inspire people to alter their lifestyle to make it more sustainable or make more people advocate for new systems and technology, to dispose of waste effectively, to be introduced into society.

What I would have done to improve my work?

I would’ve added more pictures to the website to make it more user friendly. I worry that because it is a small Wix website, people won’t trust it. If I had time I would’ve found a way to promote it or present my information on a platform people trust.

What I’d do to develop the project in the future?

The next step I hope to take in this project is to come up with a way for people in the UWC community to recycle more of their trash. I aim to do this by following the instructions on to make a machine that re-uses HDPE plastic (the plastic found in milk cartons and bottle caps). I also plan on improving the website design and perhaps even adding more content.



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