Theatre vs Film

The production time is very different, how theatre plays tend to be more relaxed during practice and there is more attention to the art form whereas film sets tend to be more chaotic with there being so many different factors to take into account.
theatre actors have to exaggerate their actions to make sure the audience can see, more realism for movies
Film and television: gives actors more freedom in performance as their scripts are being produced for the first time (no past performances).
films feel more natural and use special equipment for this
“theater actors are “big” while film actors are “natural””
films use a camera to eliminate the distance between performer and observer
theatre often emphasizes the creation of spaces, eg. props arrangement, while spaces in the film can be done by cameras to eliminate the distance
ah, i found the regards to the playwright and scriptwriter interesting. theatre – “The playwright is sacrosanct. There is respect for the author’s work.” film – “The screenwriter’s work may be continually reworked throughout the filming process.”
films use camera effects to make movements and scene transitions feel more natural
“People watching a football match on TV as opposed to in the stadium can still have a great time – without worrying that it’s inauthentic, or that they have somehow made a wrong or disloyal choice.” hmm
each drama performance is unique
movies and films rely a lot less on trying to spark the audience’s imagination due to things like special effects
people usually know what they are gonna see in a play usually the script is available public viewing, whilst movies are unique and the excitement for movies comes form not knowing what to expect
some plays can be interactive too, right? like the actors come off stage and interact with the audience
plays can also use different angles and effects in order to seem more interactive
excitement and amusement of a theatrical event
in theater, actors are meant to expect the unexpected when performing e.g. distractions from audience members or a mistake in lines. Films are perfect, as in there is always a second chance and it is in a closed controlled environment

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