Connections Between Carol Ann Duffy’s Poems and Ads

Making Connections – What connections can you make between Thetis, Salome and Little Red Cap? What connects this poem to some of the adverts we have looked at so far?

All three poems along with the adverts explore the ideas of gender identity and roles in our society. The adverts “sell sex”  in order to advertise a product. By emphasizing a women’s sexuality in a way that exploits it rather than embraces it,  this technique portrays women as sex objects. Consequently, because it is only our human nature to imitate what we see, these ads ultimately encourage both men and women to perceive women in this way.

Similarly, Carol Ann Duffy acknowledges the shortcomings of the expectations placed on women in today’s society through her poems. By writing from the perspective of women experiencing inequality, Carol Ann Duffy invites her readers to empathize with women who are treated poorly because of their gender.

In conclusion, Carol Ann Duffy demonstrates and raises awareness for the toxic norms and roles enforced onto women. These norms and roles are enforced by a variety of sources including ads.

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