LO1—Working on dives


Last week I was working on my dives. This displays LO1 because I am working on my weaknesses. I have always struggled with diving and  if you look at photos of me when I was 9, my dive looks the exact same. The problem is, I tend to dive upwards rather than straight ahead. Also, when I enter the water,  my whole body is supposed to enter from the same point. If you look closely, my feet and shins kind of slam against the water, rather than enter in through the same point as th rest of my body. This year I have been trying a lot of different approaches to solve the problem.

In the gym, I’ve been doing a lot of box jumps and exercises with weights and bands to strengthen my legs and activate my muscles. I have definitely seen some improvements, especially through activation exercises. But I’m not too sure as to how to go about using activation exercises at swim meets because you are supposed to do them a few seconds before you dive in which can’t be done at a meet.

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