SEASAC was so much fun! I am so grateful that we got the opportunity to compete, even if it was a virtual meet. I am really happy that we had dover and TTS swimming next to us.

The day before SEASAC we had a team meeting where we listened to a motivational talk. I was really, really nervous the whole time, but the other girls around me who had been swam at SEASAC were really supportive and we all motivated each other, and calmed each other down.

In between our races, we all cheered on each other which was really nice to see and be apart of. After our races were done, we all went back to one our team members house and watched the boy’s races. This was a really nice chance for us to bond because everyones race was over, so no one was stressed. We all ordered food, played games and talked.

We ended up winning the championship in both the mens and womens categories! I think it was all because of our collaboration. We were by far the most tightly knit group. It looked like we were always having the most fun and were always cheering each other on. the loudest.

I am especially proud of that day because I won a bronze medal.

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