LO2—Final Performance Done


Now that I’ve finished my final performance I feel like I’ve really re-discovered myself. If you told me 2 months ago that I’d be dancing on a stage I would’ve laughed. But funnily enough, I enjoyed this experience so much that I am actually going to sign up for Kahaani. I am so so glad that I pushed myself to try something new because I have expanded my set of skills by so much. 

Though I’m still obviously not a good dancer, just the fact that I tried Culturama and ended up enjoying myself has taught me to have an open mind. Because I enjoyed doing something I thought I would hate, I am now really excited to try all the things I thought I would hate before. I am now re-evaluating all the opportunities I missed because I didn’t want to push myself to try something new. This experience has shown me the value in challenging yourself and broadening your horizons. I think the skill of being able to take risks and challenge yourself is really important because it will allow me to approach life in a more meaningful and optimistic way. 


Some valuable lessons I will take with me when I participate in Kahaani include:

  1. Being open to criticism—obviously, I won’t be one of the better dancers there but that’s ok. This is a very amateur production and as long as your dance leaders and the people around you can really see that your trying your hardest they won’t mind. 
  2. Remind myself that this is just an amateur production. In Culturama I would get really nervous on stage and looking back I now realize that I was working myself up for nothing


Something I need to work on in Kahaani is:

  1. Talking to more people—because I had all my friends with me in my culturama dance, I didn’t make an effort to get to know the other girls. Now that it’s over I can’t really say that I know them well even though I spent several hours every week with them. In Kahaani I want to push myself to make friends with people I wouldn’t normally talk to. 


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