Midyear Reflection

This term in surfaid we have been more productive. We have managed to order masks to sell to our student community. The funds raised will go towards surfaid and it will help us raise awareness for the service. In preparation for this we have had to spend time choosing what merch to sell, the color of it, and the design of it.

Another thing we have been working on is swimdonesia. Normally Swimdonesia is an event where lots of people are together in a small space Due to covid-19 regulations we’ve had to scale down. Unfortunately, after several meetings with the service office, we have finally decided to make it a virtual swimathon where participants raise money by collecting money from sponsors per lap that they swim.

I am glad we are doing something to help those on remote islands in Indonesia. Especially due to covid-19, they are really struggling with issues such as nutrition and health, giving birth and healthy mother and child care, family planning etc. All these issues are so easily preventable so I really feel that the work we do has a great impact.

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