Starting at Marine Conservation-Investigation

Learning Outcome 3 and 6

Stage 1 of CAS: Investigation- Initial sign-up and investigation of the activity

One of the reasons why I chose a new service is because there will be several opportunities to show my leadership skills. Before signing up for the service, I submitted a video application to become the student leader. Though they haven’t come back to me since I’m the only one who submitted a video I am not too worried about whether or not I get the position. 


Before joining this club, I talked to Ms.Psillides (the head of EI) and Anvay (the student chair of EI). Ms.Psillides told me that there were plans to create a fish tank and adopt a whale shark. I am very, very excited about the fact that I could potentially be in charge of carrying out those activities. 


On a completely different note, I am also looking forward to learning more about marine conservation. Last year I did a science project on micro-plastic in the ocean and found the topic fascinating. However, I also learned that I actually don’t really know a whole lot about marine conservation. It is a really important issue because being a small island, Singapore will be one of the first countries to feel the effects of global warming. Furthermore, so much of unsustainable activity in the ocean takes place without anyone knowing because it’s on international waters where no one can see or stop perpetrators from committing crimes. There are just so many problems it’s overwhelming just to talk about. Through this service, I will have to educate others on this topic. So hopefully by the end of this year, I will be an expert on it and I’ll be able to explain it better. 


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