Swim Log Glide App

Link: https://2020dragons-swim-log.glideapp.io/

My app above can be used by any swimmers to track their progress. Every day the students can input a new entry and record relevant details about their day. They can also track personal bests and record their times from races.

My criteria were:

  • The minimum amount of time is taken to input data every day
  • No aspect of the sport is left out, everything can be tracked using this one app
  • It is easy to understand and use, it doesn’t need a tutorial when using it
I would say I followed all the criteria. Though inputting data every day may be tedious because there are a lot of details and options, they are optional so I can choose to input only the relevant details every day. This app has all the functions I could possibly need when tracking my progress in swimming. I can’t think of any other data I could input. I think it is quite minimalistic and simple to use. My only worry is that in different parts of the world, people use different language to describe swimming terms, I tried to use the most internationally recognized language but there still may be some words a swimmer may not understand.

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