LO2—Culturama—getting better!




I think I have come a looooong way. Just looking at this first video now makes me laugh. As you can see in this first video I am struggling just to remember the moves. I’m so uncoordinated and my hands are so floppy. Although I definitely did make a few mistakes in the second video it is still so much better than the first. I think because I kept asking my dance leader questions about how to do certain steps and kept asking her to critique me I got a lot better. Another thing that allowed me to improve was the fact that I was so open to criticism. I came into the dance knowing I was going to be one of the weaker dancers and didn’t pretend otherwise. Because of this, my dance leader wasn’t afraid to give me advice because she knew that I knew I wasn’t one of the better dancers but was eager to improve. 

Even though I have found it easy to come to practice with a good attitude, I am still finding it hard to get rid of my nerves during rehearsals in the auditorium. I hope that on the real day I learn to calm myself down. I also really hope that one the real day I remember to keep smiling and be energetic whilst remembering all the moves. 

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