Through this activity, I tried to capture a more retro and bright interpretation of the timeless nursery rhyme, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I used a large number of synths (as well as a trumpet) to achieve a more Western Style atmosphere, creating a thick texture with many layers. The main melody and harmony are doubled with different instruments, adding variety but also some volume. The beginning of this track also features a radio static sound effect to create that retro style. I also edited the piano slightly to give it a more faded, ‘retro’y timbre.

I also used a free retro drum sample off of the internet, which is linked here. I’m somewhat unfamiliar with drums as an instrument and decided that a drum set sample would probably be a great way to get an effective rhythm section going. I also find that the use of samples is an awesome aspect of music production in the modern age!

My original inspiration for the feel of this interpretation (the song that inspired me to do a more retro interpretation) is a song called ‘Lady’ by the group EXID. I wasn’t really sure what direction to take this activity, so I just hit shuffle on my Spotify playlist and decided to study and somewhat mimic the style of the first song that played. I found this was a really successful way to gain some inspiration as well as a good direction to take for this activity! Make sure to give ‘Lady’ a listen!