
CAS Evidence and Reflections


Working collaboratively with four other students to organise a workshop for Grade 11 students surrounding the issues of inclusion and conflict resolution, enabling students to develop interpersonal skills and understand conflict translating into their lives. My personal challenge not only surrounds developing confidence in speaking, presenting and facilitating discussion but also surrounds virtual collaboration and communication. This project aligns with the Initiative For Peace mission: young people are effective peacemakers.

Evidence Folder

I collect all my evidence in one google drive folder, linked here!

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CAS Project: Investigation Reflection

Goal: Working collaboratively with four other students to organise a workshop for Grade 11 students surrounding the issues of inclusion and conflict resolution, enabling students to develop interpersonal skills and understand conflict translating into their lives. My...


Goal: Working collaboratively with four other students to organise a workshop for Grade 11 students surrounding the issues of inclusion and conflict resolution, enabling students to develop interpersonal skills and understand conflict translating into their lives. My personal challenge not only surrounds developing confidence in speaking, presenting and facilitating discussion but also surrounds virtual collaboration and communication. This project aligns with the Initiative For Peace mission: young people are effective peacemakers. Link: 


To Interact:

9 + 6 =