Studio De S Final Reflection

  • How did I show perseverance/resilience/commitment in this activity? What actions did I take to overcome challenges? 

One of the major challenges halfway through the year was that the dance instructor I usually dance with broke away from Studio De S, and started holding private lessons. This meant that weekly, regular dance classes became sporadic and request-based. However, staying committed via messaging my teacher and regularly requesting songs allowed me to continue dancing. Also, after a brief period away from Studio De S, I decided to also continue dancing there in order to ensure that I could stay committed to the activity. 


  • How has my involvement in this activity made me aware of my strengths and areas for growth? How can I use the skills I developed in this activity in other areas of my life?

I improved a lot of my control and power in this activity. I also found that dancing a lot more inspired me further to attempt to choreograph some dances for myself using learned ideas about shape, as well as participate more in dance activities at school. I also want to start up an alternative social media account for dance covers where I can organise my own stage outfits, makeup, etc. and record at home. I have a lot of ideas, so in the future even after finishing the IB I hope I can pursue these opportunities. 

Kahaani First Reflection

Kahaani First Reflection 

From my Kahaani Signup Form: 

I want to be a part of Kahaani because I would love to take this chance to make my love for dance count towards a pressing, global issue. In the past, I have used my Culturama experiences to count towards events like Move to Make a Difference, and this opportunity not only allows me to contribute more to global communities our school partners with, but also to learn and immerse myself in a new culture. I also feel that dance can be a great force for empowerment as well as to foster respect, appreciation, and understanding between individuals and between cultures, and I feel that Kahaani is a real manifestation of these things.


Kahaani is organised by Kolkata GC, a student-led organization that partners with Voice of World NGO in India who provide education, rehabilitation and shelter to the underprivileged community in Kolkata, India, with a special focus on the mentally/physically disabled community, children, and women. I hope that through Kahaani, I will get to learn more about this issue, and how it impacts the lives of the underprivileged and differently-abled community in India. 


Through Kahaani, I would also like to continue my engagement with other global cultures like I did through Culturama. Even though I don’t have experience with styles like classical Indian dance, I feel that this is an amazing opportunity to begin to understand another culture in a fun and meaningful way. More technically, I would like to improve my dance angles and improve my control of energy in order to achieve perfect, graceful shapes for the dance. 


First Half Term Reflection (Studio De S Dance)

First Half Term Reflection: Studio De S Dance

  • What am I good at? What are my strengths? 

When it comes to dance, I find that I most enjoy styles like popping or locking, and I specifically like hip-hop dance styles. Every class, I try to hone my isolations to get clear, sharp movements delivered with impact. 


  • What would I like to improve? 

I would actually like to improve my fluidity and flexibility as a dancer. Because of my fondness for sharp, pronounced movements, I feel like I haven’t explored genres such as contemporary dance at all. I feel like this would broaden my range as a dancer. 


  • How has my involvement in this activity made me aware of my strengths and areas for growth?

By trying out lots of different songs and genres I have discovered what kind of choreographies I find easier to pick up. For example, in YooA’s Bon Voyage (see here for video) I can execute the hip movements with relative ease, but the fast paced hand movements requiring better coordination skills I found a lot harder. The more fluid part at the end also felt very unfamiliar to me, letting me know how I can improve as a dancer. 


  • Have I improved and in what areas? How do I know? 

I find that with each song I do, I find myself picking up choreography faster and faster, and I also find myself being more able to add variations and flair to my movements. For example, in the ITZY Not Shy cover, during the chorus (starting 0:50, I am wearing a yellow top) I tried to add some extra pops with my chest in the middle of the waves to add some dynamics. I know that I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do that before practicing for that song. 


  • Why have I struggled in some areas?

I think that I struggle a bit with the contemporary dance style because the dance style I grew up learning was actually hip-hop. I took classes from a young age, and therefore are more familiar and comfortable with that style. It also means that I develop skills used more often in hip-hop than faster. 


  • What was it about this activity that I found challenging/difficult? 

With all my dance covers, I find hairography also pretty challenging. I have long hair, and that requires a little more force to manipulate, and I don’t think I’ve found the right balance yet. 


  • What actions did I take to overcome these challenges? 

I try my best to practice hair flips, as well as study videos on hairography. I regularly stretch my neck to allow ease in maneuvering my hair. I have found that practicing at lesser speeds first helps me a lot. 


  • Were there challenges that I could not overcome? Why/why not?

I’m still not completely comfortable with hairography! I think this is more of a long-term goal (and my neck hurted a lot after I finished dancing) so I think there’s definitely some things I can continue to improve. I also want to improve my stamina. 


  • How will I approach a challenge like this in the future? 

Lots of practice! Things like these take a long time to develop, so I just want to keep dancing! 


  • How did I measure my improvement? 

By comparing the videos over time, I’m able to see how my technique develops! I can also reflect on each song and what was difficult for me and see whether I still feel the same after doing another song. 


Thank you for reading!

Culturama First Reflection

I’ve chosen to take part in Culturama (specifically, the Iran dance) this year, first and foremost, due to the fact that I would like to learn more about different cultures! I feel like we do not cover as many cultures as we should in class. So many cultures are underrepresented and I would like to show my appreciation and respect for their arts. And the fact that I love to dance (it’s so empowering for me) means I feel like Culturama would be a perfect experience for me, as I can learn about other cultures as well as develop confidence in myself, and refine my dance technique. 

Doing cultural dance is also a new challenge for me, as I previously have only ever participated in contemporary, hip-hop, street jazz or other urban forms of dance. However, participating in these previous dance activities has allowed me to develop better technique, coordination and groove to allow me to execute harder dances. Learning choreography, I feel, is therefore one of my strengths. However, the challenge here is to capture the essence and style of a culture and to appreciate and learn about their arts, which I have never done before. Even as a third-culture kid, there are some cultures I have never been exposed to, and so I think that Culturama will adequately challenge me and allow me to grow. 

Culturama is also a big commitment, rehearsals stretching on late in the day after school, and so I think I will need to persevere in order to keep my motivation and energy going throughout the day. I also know that I participate in many activities at once, and so I will have to manage my time effectively. I also feel like not performing in front of a live audience may impact energy levels on stage, however, I may feel a lot less anxious about performing if there isn’t anyone watching live. 

Despite all this, I am filled with anticipation and excitement to dance in this amazing production!

Please refer to THIS drive link to watch videos of Culturama practices!