My Goals for the Upcoming Year

There are several things I would like to accomplish this year.

First of all, I want to deepen my understanding in all subjects that I’ll take, especially so I can use these in the outside world.

Another one could be to have better relationships with friends so I can rely on them and they can rely on me when times get tough.

Lastly, I think it is important to explore what I like this year as this could lay the foundation for later in life.

Which Font is the Best, and Which Ones Should you to Use?

There are many fonts available, and it can seem like there are so many choices on what your essay or document should use. Of course, there are many types of fonts. and each of them serves their purpose. I will divide them into 2 categories, work and fun.


Some of the fonts that are most commonly used are Times New Roman (Which is the font this was written in) and Arial. There are many other fonts to choose from such as Georgia, Palatino, and Garamond. Most work fonts are all in the same manner. They are bold and don’t have much in them. They don’t look fun, instead straight with either sharp edges, which are after all the intended purpose of them (hence why they are mostly used in work with documents). I think that the best is Arial, as it looks very simple, and can clearly be read, no matter how small or big it is


This would be the complete opposite of a ‘work’ font, as it may have such a weird design. Some of the fonts may be harder to read, such as Impact, with it’s extremely high and narrow letters. This would obviously not be a good choice to make a document as the letter would be small and you can easily mistake letter for one another (such as m and n). A classic example of a ‘fun’ font is Comic Sans. It’s just a happy, non-serious font which I think we can all agree is just funny to look at. The problem for Comic Sans is that the letters occupy a lot of space horizontally, which means they take up a lot of space on the page and means more paper would have to be printed. More waste.

My opinion is that Arial is the way to go, as it has a nice work like feel to it, but it can also be used in any situation.