IGCSE Design & Tech: Showing Problem Solving in Design

It is without saying that all of the products we will end up making will have some type of issue. This has certainly happened to me, as I had to go through several redesigns and adjusted the way components were allocated inside. Problem solving is a key skill that I and other designers need to have, to adjust when necessary.

I feel that I did demonstrate and emphasize my ability to problem solve in C4, with the many different design variations I produced, as well as C5, when I had a finished design which I wanted to pursue. This was where I changed my design to solve an issue which I had with 2 broken LEDs, and the changing of the design to exclude the PIR which was going to be too complicated and incompatible with the circuit I had for the lamp.


C4 Prototype drawings with the PIR still slated to be added\


C5 development with the removed PIR and 3 LEDs

Stress, Worry, and Anxiety

It is without a doubt that any person living on this planet have gone through some rough times. This could be the passing of a loved one, the stress of a job interview, or an important test coming around the corner. It’s important to manage under tough conditions, as such events could mentally scar anyone, and cause people to do things which are way out of character, and could end up in the downfall of a person, making them lose their jobs, family members and close friends, and their own sanity.

While we may experience stress on a day to day basis, there are always solutions such as simple breathing exercises, managing a schedule, or having a quick chat with a friend to check up and make sure both of you are doing fine. If things start to go downhill there are always support mechanisms put in place, such as counselling (inside or outside of school), Emergency hotlines, and applications which allow you to talk to any mental health professional who is qualified.

It’s important to be in check, as it can affect our productivity, and having a mental burden on us will never help. That’s why it’s important to reach out and get help when needed, because it’s never too late and it’s definitely not embarrassing if you go down for a counselling session.

Analysing a Coronavirus Cartoon

This political cartoon showed in the Times Magazine around last week, which depicts 4 well known world leaders holding up IV poles with their respective countries flags, supporting the earth.

The artist carefully chose what details to include to give the image more of an effect, such as the little sweat drops spraying from the earth (Showing that Earth is experiencing a sort of pain, or a situation it was not meant to handle). The people the artist chose have a very significant impact on the whole situation, as Donald Trump, President Xi, Chancellor Merkel, and President Macron have very high powers in most of the cabinets they sit in, allowing for executive decisions, which can affect millions, to be taken directly from them.

The idea that some of the political figures are helping can be questionable. Leaders such as Macron and Merkel have has speeches addressing their country and their people. They have proposed aid programs to help dis-proportionally affected people. Donald Trump, has had a bit more of a lax approach on helping out during the pandemic. It can be stated that some of the comments he has made have not been helping, but instead hindering the progress of the US in returning to a normal state. He has been known for disapproving various sources of information regarding the COVID pandemic, which may have led to some of the more controversial comments he has made.


IGCSE Design & Tech: Showing Adaptability/Flexibility in Design Technology

With regards to our Major Project, there have been many times when being able to adapt my design or workshop process has significantly helped me, and I’ll be demonstrating how I’ve been flexible/adaptable. The first time this was seen was in the early stages of development, where I intended for a PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) to be mounted on the device, and function in parallel with the circuit for the light. In C3, I drew all of my developments with 5 LEDs, a PIR, and a photo-sensor, but only ended up having 3 LEDs and no PIR installed. This was due to issues with the implementation of the PIR in the design for the light circuit, since the circuit was powered by two sources, the PIR could only be across one source, and that would not work. The reason 3 LEDs ended up being used instead of 5 was due to the copper contacts falling off 2 of the LED mounting holes, hence I was unable to solder any lights to the broken contacts, and had to end up re-printing the front UI plate, since there would be 2 extra holes from the LEDs that were missing. Below, I’ll show the whole timeline of change and adaptability, starting from my C3 drawings to the final product.

The very first C3 drawing showing a product with the most resemblance to my final product. Notice the 5 LEDs, the PIR and the photo-sensor.


The final development made of cardboard, resembling my final product. It still has the PIR and 5 LEDs.


The final product, with 3 LEDs and a phot0-sensor, but no PIR.


Finally, a before and after of what my original design was meant to be vs what it ended up being.

Email Poem

Hello all,

We have had to make drastic changes

This is an unfortunate time for all

We hope you stay safe


Hello students and parents

These are unprecedented times

This should minimize the impact

Stay safe and well



We find ourselves in unfortunate circumstances

We hope this email is clear

Take Care

How do you think music can affect how we experience painful or difficult moments in life?

Looking at the top 25 list of songs from the New York Times, it is apparent that most of the songs listed are mostly positive, and are meant to keep people motivated in day to day life. With the current coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world, it has become imperative that people who are locked indoors, keep sane and happy. Being stuck inside for long periods of time is never good, and with only so much to keep anyone going, it’s important that people use all the resources available to either work on self-improvement, or to take some time off and relax and maybe, get a Spotify playlist rolling.

Music by no end has a significant impact on us. Music can change the way we think, act, or even live. People that have been raised with a certain genre of music will most likely keep on listening to the same genre well into their adult lives. Music has the power to change how we feel, and listening to a happy song, or even a moody song can make us feel more at ease. It can prepare us for eventualities that can occur in life, and help ease the burden of other sad moments that people might be facing at times like these. With the creation of mood specific playlists on many music streaming platforms, it can help a person feel more comfortable, and eventually better if they’re going through a tough situation that may be affecting their personal life, family life, or work.

IGCSE Design & Tech: Showing Communication in DT

One of the technical skills which we have been able to practice and learn in Design Technology is 3D drawing. This was demonstrated in my C3, when it was necessary for me to make 6 fully rendered images of our planned product. This also means that I have been able to demonstrate communication very effectively, as it is important in showing a final piece of presentable work, and for it to be understood by the person looking at it and interpreting it. This was done using a pencil, ruler, colour pencils, and a thin and thick marker. Learning to draw isometrically will be super useful for my IB DT course, which I will be taking at an HL level.

Learning to draw fast is also something which was taught, as our IGCSE Paper 1 for DT requires candidates to make 3 rough sketches (with rendering) and one final rendered drawing with full dimensions and very accurate line work. It’s imperative that I show clear communication in the paper, as marks are not only awarded on drawing ability, but the ability to express my ideas across to the examiner. 3D drawing takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hours as line work and shading have to be quite accurately reflected on the final product (as mentioned, this might be hard to quickly in an exam). Proper rendering technique takes into account sunlight angles, curvature of a surface, and intensity and colour of the light; all of which have to be presented on the final render. In the images I will link below, I will demonstrate how I used my 3D drawing skills to carry out C3 and a self evaluation on the product. I had to combine the use of my drawings with annotations regarding how the product will be built (ex. construction methods and material).

What do you think Mr. Colvin should have done with all the supplies he stockpiled? Should he be punished by the state of Tennessee?

This is in response to this article by the New York Times

In my personal opinion, I do believe that the acts Mr. Colvin did in buying a significant number of hand sanitizer bottles and completely stocking out store shelves of many small retailers was completely immoral, and I do agree with the statement that some sort of legal action has to be carried out against him for possibly preventing families from accessing hand sanitizer in a time of need. Price gouging at the expense of other people should be made entirely illegal, as this no longer becomes “healthy competition” and more a case of greed of one individual.

I believe that Mr. Colvin should have kept the resources for himself, and only purchased what was required for personal use. If he was so keen on purchasing such a ridiculous amount of hand sanitizer, it would have been a very wise choice for him to consider donating the hand sanitizer to medical professionals or people with lower economic status who would not have been able to afford hand sanitizer or other basic necessities to prevent them from getting affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

In Singapore itself, there have been cases of price gouging and unfortunately, people have had to take drastic measures with work or family life just to afford necessities in times like these, and it’s even worse for people who have just been laid off, meaning that the no longer have an income, and with government subsidies running low or are becoming inaccesible in some countries, many people might find themselves bankrupt in the next coming months, not being able to afford anything.

How has the coronavirus outbreak affected you and your friends, family and community?

It is well known that the COVID-19 epidemic has had widespread consequences around the world, costing industries millions and billions of dollars in lost revenue. Airlines have shut down for good, business are making employees redundant, and a shockingly low amount of equipment is available to healthcare professionals who need it most, but COVID-19 doesn’t just affect massive corporations and hospitals.

In our families, in our communities and in our friend groups, we all know someone who is affected not only by COVID-19 directly, but are living the consequences of it. My local community of Simpang Bedok has definitely changed. From a bustling night scene of 24 hour Indian restaurants, to now completely closed establishments. The streets are empty, people are frightened of leaving their houses, and a whole spree of fear-mongering news has caused people to panic and go full out to fight this pandemic. People are being urged to stay inside, with the circuit breaker policies now in effect, people are now being forced to stay inside, and relax on their devices, pick up a new skill, or interact with their family members.

On my end of the scale, the effects have been noticeable with more prevention being taken inside the house, like frequent hand washing, taking shoes off outside the house, and using hand sanitizer outside (if we have to go out). It is possible to get through this calmly, and with the willpower of everyone and the motivation to finally see a day where we can go outside, it will happen sooner than later, hopefully by the beginning of summer.