IGCSE Design & Tech: Showing Adaptability/Flexibility in Design Technology

With regards to our Major Project, there have been many times when being able to adapt my design or workshop process has significantly helped me, and I’ll be demonstrating how I’ve been flexible/adaptable. The first time this was seen was in the early stages of development, where I intended for a PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) to be mounted on the device, and function in parallel with the circuit for the light. In C3, I drew all of my developments with 5 LEDs, a PIR, and a photo-sensor, but only ended up having 3 LEDs and no PIR installed. This was due to issues with the implementation of the PIR in the design for the light circuit, since the circuit was powered by two sources, the PIR could only be across one source, and that would not work. The reason 3 LEDs ended up being used instead of 5 was due to the copper contacts falling off 2 of the LED mounting holes, hence I was unable to solder any lights to the broken contacts, and had to end up re-printing the front UI plate, since there would be 2 extra holes from the LEDs that were missing. Below, I’ll show the whole timeline of change and adaptability, starting from my C3 drawings to the final product.

The very first C3 drawing showing a product with the most resemblance to my final product. Notice the 5 LEDs, the PIR and the photo-sensor.


The final development made of cardboard, resembling my final product. It still has the PIR and 5 LEDs.


The final product, with 3 LEDs and a phot0-sensor, but no PIR.


Finally, a before and after of what my original design was meant to be vs what it ended up being.

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