What do you think Mr. Colvin should have done with all the supplies he stockpiled? Should he be punished by the state of Tennessee?

This is in response to this article by the New York Times

In my personal opinion, I do believe that the acts Mr. Colvin did in buying a significant number of hand sanitizer bottles and completely stocking out store shelves of many small retailers was completely immoral, and I do agree with the statement that some sort of legal action has to be carried out against him for possibly preventing families from accessing hand sanitizer in a time of need. Price gouging at the expense of other people should be made entirely illegal, as this no longer becomes “healthy competition” and more a case of greed of one individual.

I believe that Mr. Colvin should have kept the resources for himself, and only purchased what was required for personal use. If he was so keen on purchasing such a ridiculous amount of hand sanitizer, it would have been a very wise choice for him to consider donating the hand sanitizer to medical professionals or people with lower economic status who would not have been able to afford hand sanitizer or other basic necessities to prevent them from getting affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

In Singapore itself, there have been cases of price gouging and unfortunately, people have had to take drastic measures with work or family life just to afford necessities in times like these, and it’s even worse for people who have just been laid off, meaning that the no longer have an income, and with government subsidies running low or are becoming inaccesible in some countries, many people might find themselves bankrupt in the next coming months, not being able to afford anything.

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