Analysing a Coronavirus Cartoon

This political cartoon showed in the Times Magazine around last week, which depicts 4 well known world leaders holding up IV poles with their respective countries flags, supporting the earth.

The artist carefully chose what details to include to give the image more of an effect, such as the little sweat drops spraying from the earth (Showing that Earth is experiencing a sort of pain, or a situation it was not meant to handle). The people the artist chose have a very significant impact on the whole situation, as Donald Trump, President Xi, Chancellor Merkel, and President Macron have very high powers in most of the cabinets they sit in, allowing for executive decisions, which can affect millions, to be taken directly from them.

The idea that some of the political figures are helping can be questionable. Leaders such as Macron and Merkel have has speeches addressing their country and their people. They have proposed aid programs to help dis-proportionally affected people. Donald Trump, has had a bit more of a lax approach on helping out during the pandemic. It can be stated that some of the comments he has made have not been helping, but instead hindering the progress of the US in returning to a normal state. He has been known for disapproving various sources of information regarding the COVID pandemic, which may have led to some of the more controversial comments he has made.


One thought on “Analysing a Coronavirus Cartoon

  1. Catherine Adamson says:

    Some good observations here Daniel. It would be good to see you going into more detail on the smaller details of the cartoon (I can see that you’ve mentioned these things in your annotations) such as the clothing, the body language etc.

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