Cabin Crew Ready for Takeoff!

Welcome Back!

Before we are wheels up, here are five tips and tricks to help you avoid turbulence during take off this week:


  1. Use folders and emoji with your bookmark manager:


2. Don’t lose your place

Need to open a new tab but you don’t want to lose your current window? Hold COMMAND when you click the new link

3. Accidentally close a window? No problem!

Cmd-Shift-T will restore the window you closed. How to remember this trick? Here’s a lyric I wrote just for you: With Command Shift T I never need to worry.

4. Give yourself a little more time to retrieve an email.

The default setting in Gmail is to only allow you to take an email back if you are lightning fast.  You can change this in your general settings and give yourself a full 30 seconds to take your foot out of your mouth.

5. Need to clean up your inbox?

If you want to stop receiving email from a newsletter or service your subscribed to last year (or the last ten years), check out unroll me.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Jen Smith says:

    Thanks for sharing! Unroll me is life changing. Great tips!

  2. Pauline Markey says:

    I love this, thank you so much!

    1. pfr says:

      We aim to please 🙂

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