IR1 Geography EE

Nature has always amazed me and made me want to find out more. This allowed me to narrow down my topic in the EE. Living in Singapore,  we are an important trading point due to our geographical location. When looking out into the ocean, it made me realise that we do not much about our […]

Japan 3

Culturama has been over for a while and yet I can still remember the sense of bond I created with the people I danced with. I can hear the motivational calls as we all go through the tiring rehearsal to prepare for the big day. This has allowed me to reflect on how grateful I […]

Japan 2

The first dance taught was about their history with fishing. Fish were their main source of protein and were considered to be part of their everyday meal. The movement of the dance was huge as if we were catching the fish in our nets when we rowed out into the sea. It shows the determination […]

Japan R1

This year, the countries selected for Culturama were chosen as they all had a UWC campus to celebrate the 50th anniversary. I find this very unique and feel privileged to be able to perform as part of the 50th anniversary of my last high school here at UWCSEA. The country I will be representing through […]