Week 3- Re-learning how to solve a 3×3 Rubix cube, and learning how to solve 3×3 cubes faster.
18th May – 24th May
This week I decided to put the screens away more and focused on a more mathematical and hand-skill problem- solving a standard rubix-cube. Rubix cubes wee made by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubi in 1974.
2 years ago, I had actually learned how to solve this rubix-cube, and my record time was just under 4 minutes. My goal now is to achieve under half of that time (2 minutes).
I was able to successfully relearn all the formulas to solve the rubix-cube in a few hours and practiced lots to full engrain them into my muscle memory, I proceeded to time myself (using the basic formula’s) and was able to achieve a time of 2:00.6!