Wellness – 26th August

I think that in general my level of wellness and my approach to it is quite good. I try my best to spend a lot of quality time with my friends and my family. I spend time with my friends almost every day, and with my family on the weekends for hours at once. I have a lot of friends who are there and can help support me and make me feel connected to the community. I really enjoy being active and whenever I switch off my devices I am mostly doing something outdoors. I try my best to spend some time every day doing this. I really enjoy feeling active, and when I work out or go cycling, or play a sport I feel much better about myself and about being outdoors in nature with fresh air. I try helping people whenever I can, and I try to do my best to do this without them asking, and so being mindful of the people around me and looking around to know if anyone needs help. To relax I like to read, or finish up work. When I complete work that I was procrastinating or hadn’t yet finished, I feel much better and I have time for myself to meet my friends and spend time with my family. I’m not really stressed about school work right now. I don’t think I get enough sleep because I don’t sleep for 8 hours. When making food and nutritional choices I do consider my wellbeing and I try to make sure I’m making healthy choices that don’t negatively affect my body, and I try to stay balanced. Some ideas I have that we can do for Wellness Wednesday is mindful coloring, reading our own books, class reading, and free time to finish up work (not on screens).

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