What UWC Means To Me – UWC Day

To me, UWC is a school that means community. All of the skills and qualities that we should have been represented on UWC as a whole. It is seen as quite a good school and I am very happy that I got the opportunity to go to school here. I have learnt a lot since I joined this school and this is now my 6th year at UWC. We have learnt how to be resilient, better communicators and collaborators, better self-managers, and many other things too. As a whole this schools means a lot to me, and I hope to continue learning at this rate, and stay here until I graduate.

UWC Day gives us the opportunity to represent our true nationalities and colours. We have such a diverse community here that we get to celebrate on numerous occasions around the year. This day also lets us celebrate our school and what an amazing place it is.

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