3 Goals For Grade 9 – Revised

My 3 Goals For Grade 9:


  1. Goal For Ad Maths
    1. My goal in math is to improve my skills and communication in math. I hope to finally end up getting a 7 in the UWC report, and an A* in the IGCSE exams. Within the next few weeks/months I hope to learn many new strategies I can use for solving math problems and become more efficient with my work. I have also tried out for and gotten into SEAMC, and taken part in many Olympiads to improve my skills as well. I am doing all these things to make sure I get the best results I can from my tests and I hope this will help me in the future. Math is one of my strongest subjects and my parents have quite high expectations for me in math too. I’m going to try my best to make sure I understand everything to the best of my ability and if I have questions I will ask them.
  2. Goal For Basketball
    1. My goal in basketball is to improve on the number of shots I take during a match and to get closer to the basket before I take a shot. Most of the time my shots are quite accurate when I am close enough to the basket and I can shoot when someone is guarding me. Defence is also probably my strongest point as I am quite good at running to get to the ball in time, but I need to take more shots that are well planned, instead of just shooting for the sake of shooting, and I just need to take more shots in general. I hope to get into the A team and in the future the SEASAC team. 
  3. Goal For Econs
    1. As this is a new subject for me this year I hope to be able to learn and understand all about it and gain a deeper understanding of the world around me. I think economics is going to be very helpful for me in the future, and learning about it is going to help me understand things on the news, and in the newspapers much more. I also think it can help me in the future to make better decisions and economic choices. I hope that soon I will be able to understand my dad’s job more and be able to hold a conversation with him about it. I am going to make sure that I am efficient with my Econs learning by asking my dad for help whenever I need it at home, and revising all the new terms I’m learning with him.

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