About Me

Hi, my name is Zara. I joined this school in grade 4, and I am now in grade 10. I was born in Singapore and have lived here my whole life, however, raised by Indian parents who lived the majority of their life there, I still mainly identify as an Indian. Although I was raised here, I wouldn’t say that I follow many of the traditions, most of the festivals which I celebrate are from my parents home country as this is what the rest of my extended family does too, no matter where they live.


Last year I was most looking forward to having completely different classes for each subject so that I can get to know more people, and not just stay with the same few. I believe that this did happen, and I got to talk to new people I normally wouldn’t talk to. My main goal last year was to find and create new strategies which I could use to help me study for exams so that I would be prepared for the finals. I believe that I have achieved my goal in some aspects, but not all. I have found strategies that work for me to be able to prepare, however, I am still not fully aware of how I can learn the syllabus ahead. I will continue to learn how to do this in preparation for mocks, and hopefully, this can help me figure out what works best for the finals.

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