Scene 3 Group Reflection

Jeremiah and the director’s values and intentions are juxtaposed where the director has more materialistic values and realist views while Jeremiah is more sentimental and empathetic. Jeremiah and Boon’s mother both share sentimentality and emotional attachment to the past despite their lack of authority over the directors and agents who wish to progress. “Why should the living suffer for the dead? I mean who pays taxes” – here, the director expresses how he prioritises what holds material value/purpose and has no respect for the purposeless. The tone of the director and his lack of time and respect towards Jeremiah reflects the nature of Singapore and its lifestyle/ values. Jean Tay also expresses the Singaporean lifestyle as lives of “suffering” and questions whether we should hold importance to the dead. Jean Tay also assigns names to Jeremiah and Boon whilst other characters are addressed as “director” and “agent”, therefore emphasising the values that the playwright wishes to express. 

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