Reflection on Tech Night

  1. What were some highlights/successes for you? What performance skills (new or old) did you develop?

I think a highlight for me was I really enjoyed watching the show as I got to experience how my other music classmates interpreted the task and saw other ways I could’ve done it. I think one success for me was even though I made a mistake using the looper at one point, I tried my best to keep moving forward and to try and find a way to fix it, trying my best to stay calm instead of possibly starting over or letting it affect the rest of my piece.

  1. What were some takeaways from the process? What realisations or new ideas emerged from your experience?

One takeaway from the process for me was as this was my first time ever using music technology, I was able to experiment with it and understand how it works and how many things can be done with it. I felt like I was quite basic with what I did as I didn’t really have any understanding or ideas of what to do, but now that I have gotten to watch other people perform I have a much better understanding of music tech, and I have gotten many new ideas of how I could do this again.

  1. Moving forward what’s next? How can you further develop your performance skills?

Moving forward I would hope to do something more complicated that is outside my comfort zone as I think I stayed quite safe this time, which wasn’t really up to the music standard which I believe myself to be at. I hope to get more practice with my performance skills throughout this course, and feel more comfortable doing things that may be more difficult for me.

  1. What can you experiment with further? How can you stretch your creativity?

After watching the other performances I would want to experiment more with logic and a keyboard, as well as with the loop pedal (the one I didn’t use). I think this would allow me to stretch my creativity as it would force me to think about all the different parts of a song, and to try and recreate all of these sounds using a keyboard from scratch. I feel like this would be quite interesting to do, and definitely something I would want to try, as it is quite exciting watching a piece unfold and come to life as new layers are added on.

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