Myers-Briggs personality test

Write down your personality type; and reflect on a time when your personality type has shown through in your school or home life.

My personality type: ISFJ (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger)
I think that the survey got my personality somewhat spot on. I do find that I’m more of an introvert.  I tend to study and learn much better when I’m by myself whereas with my friends and I enjoy quiet time by myself at home to read, watch some shows, or just reflect and collect all my thoughts. I also usually base my ideas and understanding on facts and information rather than thinking more intuitively and finding “the bigger picutre”, although thinking this way is something I admire about other people and I’ve been trying to do more of. This sometimes makes classes like Literature of ToK a bit harder to wrap my head around. However, when it comes to decision making, I often find myself using my emotions and experiences. I prefer having things organized so I can prepare beforehand. This trait especially shows in school as I like to do homework in advance or when there’s a presentation or test I like to have a thorough plan/study-guide.

What careers are related to this personality type. Do those interest you? discuss three strengths.

Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers: I rely on my emotions and values to decide things so I’m not quite sure why this option showed up.

Broadcast News Analysts: I don’t keep up with current affairs as much as other people and I find it really challenging to find a balanced view nowadays on the internet so this wouldn’t be something I want to do.

Teaching (Communications Teachers, Postsecondary & Foreign Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary): I’ve actually thought of being a teacher more and more so I wasn’t surprised to see this.  I like interacting with kids and I like/would want to make creative and engaging activities to help them learn.

Instructional Designers and Technologists: I like this job as it is half independent work where you make you can make your own decisions and then half teaching other people, it also uses a lot of creativity.


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