I recently took a personality test online, and I was amazed to discover the accuracy of the results. They were precise in almost all the areas. The Test results said that I was an adventurer, which is quite true since I never go by the conventional route. I am absolutely happy to be who I am and really am very spontaneous. I am more of an introvert than an extrovert, I love to observe things and I am full of curiosity.
I am imaginative as well. The test got it right on all these aspects, however what it didn’t get right was the fact that adventurers couldn’t take criticism in a good way. I am open to criticism and know that criticism helps us develop. We are not the best judge of ourselves and many a times, we are unable to figure out what could make our performance at something better? This is where suggestions or sometimes, criticism helps us.
I would definitely recommend people to take the test and discover their personalities. The site also includes some advice for the people taking the test. At the end it also mentions a process to go to their academy. You can try the test out, regardless of whether you want to join their academy or not.
The link- https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test